Connor Jack McKay was born on September 4, 2012 at 2:15pm weighing 6 lbs 1 ounce and was 19.5 inches long. September 4th was also the first day of school and Connor was nice enough to let me send Hunter off to his first day of school before going to the hospital.
My water broke around 4am but not completely so I was able to shower and get ready before going to the hospital. The contractions never really became consistent or painful, so I decided to take Hunter to school and then go. Of course when we strolled in at 10am, the doctor was wondering where we were but since labor hadn't really begun I was given pitocin to move things along.
That really sped things up and my contractions went from nothing to extremly painful and every minute or so within the hour. Once I was given an epidural everything was great! But of course, just like with Hunter, Connor didn't tolerate the epidural and his heart rate was really low. Once the Doctor comes in to monitor you know things are not good, he told me not to worry that if he had to he could get him out really quickly.
They changed my position several times and finally got him stabilized. Shortly after I was 10cm, pushed for about 10 minutes and out he came. My smallest baby but a pound but perfect!
The boys fell in love with him immediately and have been so great with him. We are so fortunate to have 3 beautiful boys and look so forward to seeing them grow up together.