Monday, August 10, 2009

Let the good times roll.....

So in the last few months our lives have gotten considerably easier!

Hunter is really maturing. The tantrums are less in both frequency and duration and he is really behaving in school as well. It has really made such a difference in our lives to parent this child.

Luke is sleeping through the night. He has really developed a predictable schedule. He goes down for the night at 7:45pm with no fuss what so ever. The fact that a child is sleeping through the night at 16 months may not seem like something to be so thankful for, but in the McKay house this is such a surprise and a gift. He is the easiest of kids these days, he eats when he is supposed to and sleeps when he is supposed to THANK YOU!

They both are perfectly content when my parents or my brother watches them. No crying, no clutching to my leg, just happy to be left with them and have some fun.

Now to find a new house to move in to and our life will be bliss!

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