Monday, July 21, 2008

Luke's Baptism

We had Luke baptized this weekend. My dear friend Rachel, whom I have known since kindergarten and her husband Todd were the godparents. As you can see from the picture, Luke slept though most of it, waking briefly when the water was poured over his head, but quickly going back to sleep.
Hunter was another story, a bit harder to contain, trying to run up the steps of the alter every chance he got. What else can you expect from a 3 year old!

(I don't know if you can tell by this picture, but Hunter is wearing a shirt with buttons! The first time in at year. He told me he didn't like buttons because monsters fly out of them. So I said that there are no monsters in church and that all the men/boys will be wearing buttons. And he let me put it on him and he kept it on. We will see if he will wear buttons in the future, hopefully!)

We came back to the house for lunch and the kids all had a great time playing together.

Wish I had managed to get Todd in this picture!

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