Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm 2!

Hunter celebrated his second birthday last week while I was in Paris for the air show. The mother's guilt was worse leading up to the trip. Kerry and Hunter had a great time, spending a lot of their time at the park and eating ice cream. I just can't believe he is already 2! How time flies. He is such a fun kid these days, talking up a storm and running everywhere. He loves the park, Elmo, and anything that moves. (His latest facination is with tires. Driving on the highway he frequently says, "Look at all the tires!") We are very fortunate to live on a street with two other boys Hunter's age, so they play outside most evenings after work.

On Monday I took Hunter to the doctor and he managed to grow a bunch since his last visit. He is 35" tall (65%) and 28 lbs (50%!) Not since his 3 month check up has he been in the 50% for weight. All the ice cream must be paying off! Although he still won't eat veggies, he has increased the foods that he will eat which is so helpful. He will eat most fruit now, loves hummus, anything sweet and anything fried! We are still working on a well balanced diet as you can tell.

He has learned so many things in the last 6 months. He recognizes his letters and numbers, knows basic shapes, can count to 10 or 12 depending on the day, knows all the basic colors, and can sing the ABC song and Twinkle, Twinkle, (sometimes the ABC song turns into Twinkle Twinkle.) In spanish he can say hello, goodbye, shoes, shirt, hair, (I didn't know that one and had to find out what he was saying) water, milk and probably other words I don't know.

He has also grown into quite an opinionated boy, deciding most mornings what he will wear, within reason, what he will eat for breakfast and the shoes he will wear. When he doesn't get his way a tantrum usually ensues.

The big news this week is that on Tuesday he went to the potty twice at daycare! He loves to sit on the potty and use toilet paper, flush etc, but this is the first time anything has happened. Hopefully this is a good sign for things to come but we will have to wait and see.

Tantrums and all he is a great kid, and we love to be with him. The things he says just crack us up. "There we go," "Good job Hunter," "And then cake" (or ice cream or elmo, basically whatever he wants that he can't have at that moment.)

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