Tuesday, February 11, 2014

17 months

Time is flying by. Connor has transitioned to the walker room at daycare and seem to be a little overwhelmed by the room and all the kids. He is by far the youngest in the room and the smallest and while he doesn’t cry when I leave he just has wide saucer eyes and walks around staring at everything and everyone. He was never much of a paci or lovie fan, just using them in the crib and naps and bedtime. That has definitely changed. He takes the paci and lovie (favorite is the white one) out of his crib each morning and carries them around with him. He takes them in the car and to daycare. He is allowed to sit with the lovie in the morning but at some point during the day they put the blanket in his cubby. The minute I pick him up he starts requesting the lovie back and cuddles up with it. 

He is now using a spoon and fork to eat and seems to be able to get food in his mouth this way most of the time. He ends up giving up towards the end and using his hands but they have been working with him in the new room at daycare and he seems to be picking it up well. 

Words – this month he added book, shoe, nose – letting us know when he needs it wiped (he loves baby wipes) & poop – letting us know when he needs to be changed about 50% of the time. The first 2 new words are also 2 things that he has become very interested in this month. He continues to dispense a lot of gibberish with the occasional word that is understandable. He has a lot to say when he first sees you and while in the kitchen for whomever will listen. 

Shoes – he is obsessed with wearing everyone’s shoes. In the morning and evening he will take shoes off the mat and wear them around the house. In the matter of minutes he can try one and walk around in at least 5 pairs of shoes. He does not appear to care who’s shoes they are, just so they are not his. He will wear Luke’s, Hunter’s, mine, or a combination of different shoes. 

Books - He has also finally started to allow us to “read” books with him while he sits on our laps. Instead of actually reading the story we just point out the pictures on the page. He likes the animal books and is able to roar at the pictures of the lions and tigers. So far his only animal sound. 

Sleep - It's still the same, I tried to transition him to 1 nap a day but that resulted in only a 1-1.5 hour nap instead of two 1-1.5 hour naps so I added the morning nap back in. This week he has been waking at 5 or 6 for the bottle instead of 4 so hopefully that early morning bottle will come to an end!! 

Connor still loves being downstairs with his brothers any chance he gets, and can hold a hockey stick and hit the puck if he is playing with them. He has gotten better at going up and down the stairs but still needs to be spotted going down since he slides down so fast and sometimes still tries to turn around. He loves to dance, which consists of picking up each foot rapidly and shaking his hands and take bathes. The water has to be running the entire time so he can play with it, drink from it and dunk his head under it. If I turn it off, he can now stand up and turn it back on. He still hates the car and diaper changes.