Tuesday, February 24, 2009

11 Months Old

Wow, one more month until our baby is a year old! New developments this month:

He is now walking 80% of the time.

He has a third tooth on the bottom, so far none on the top yet and since I am still nursing that is fine with me!!

He can say mama, but only seems to do it at night when he calls for me. And since he is still waking every 2-3 hours I hear it a lot. It would sound so much cuter during the day.
He is still a great eater, blueberries are a huge hit, we can't get them on the tray fast enough.

His left ear is still causing a bit of trouble for him, so we are headed back to the ENT for another follow up next week.

He and Hunter are best buddies. They love to wrestle (Luke can really hold his own) and play peek a boo. It is just recently that Hunter is getting possessive about his things and sharing, but all to be expected I guess.

Monday, February 16, 2009


After 10 ear infections we had tubes put in on Friday. It was just like everyone told me, quick and uneventful. Kerry took Luke back to go under anesthesia (something I didn't think I could watch,) and said that it was tough to see. But probably 15 mintues later they were back and he was awake and crying.

We were back in the car about 15 minutes later. He was slept on the way home and took a long nap during the day, but he showed no sign his ears bothered him.

What we did notice was that he started walking better almost immediately. He was taking longer strides before falling and just looked more stable.

We have a follow up appointment on Thursday and after the all clear, sleep training will start!